Saturday, February 10, 2007

Six Ways Students can Save Energy and Money

By following the tips listed below students can help the environment while helping them selves. It’s simple: less energy use = reduced bills. I was able to cut my $104.11 electric bill down to $33.16 in 3 months by following these tips. It really works and all it takes is a little awareness.

  • Unplug appliances not in use.

  • Shutdown instead of using standby mode for TV’s, monitors, and other appliances.

  • Turn off AC/Heater when not at home.

  • Turn off lights when not in use.

  • Use energy saving light bulbs. On average they last 10 times longer and use 25% less energy than ordinary light bulbs.

  • Take showers instead of baths. On average showers use 50% less water than baths.

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