Thursday, February 8, 2007

Five Tips to be an Energy Efficient Driver

  • Observe the Speed Limit
    • Gas mileage rapidly decreases at speeds above 60 mph.
    • On average every 5 mph over 60 mph is $0.20 extra per gallon of gas.
  • Drive Sensibly
    • Rapid acceleration, speeding, and braking are all factors in wasted gas.
    • On average driving erratically lowers gas mileage by 35% at highway speeds.
  • Avoidable Idling
    • Idling achieves zero mpg.
    • On average larger engines waste more gas than smaller engines at idle.
  • Remove Extra Weight
    • Relative to the vehicles weight, extra mass can decrease gas mileage.
    • On average an extra 50 pounds can reduce mpg by 1%.
  • Use Cruise Control
    • Maintaining a constant speed, in most cases, will save gas.

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