Thursday, February 15, 2007

Finding the Cheapest Gas Prices

Average U.S. gasoline prices are on the rise, based on this 3 month outlook provided by

Here is a useful resource for finding the cheapest gas prices in your city. Using this effectively will save you a fortune.
Gasoline Prices For US Cities


Tim said...

In what way does finding the cheapest gas station promote fuel efficiency? Filling up at the closest station, while costing perhaps between 4 and 8 cents more per gallon, would seem to burn less fuel than driving farther just to save a few cents.

The choice of a vehicle and its fuel economy would seem to me to have a bigger impact on both your pocketbook and your emissions.

AxisGranted said...

Thank you for the comment. Although the information posted does not directly promote fuel efficiency, I wanted to inform readers of this site and its usefulness. I understand your point on driving out of the way to save a few cents. But for me it is a little different, and I suppose its how you use the information. It takes me 25 minutes to get to work, and in that stretch I pass about 15 gas stations. By using the site and its info I am able to better plan my fill ups and save big on a monthly basis. Although it is not promoting fuel efficiency, those who are fuel efficient can use this information to help save a little extra.